I want our children to return to in person learning, but only when it’s safe to do so. The proper resources and support should be provided for us to safely open our schools.
Mandating that schools offer in-person instruction in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, without any regard for the actual resources available on the ground, is simply not practical or safe. This is why I did not support SB 37.
My main concerns with the bill are as follows:
1. Allowing school districts to provide in-person instruction under Plan A, which does not require six feet of social distancing, for students in grades 6-12 (under the current guidance from DHHS and the recommendations of public health officials, school districts are only
allowed to provide in-person instruction under Plan B, which requires six feet of social distancing, for students in grades 6-12)
2. The timeline for shifting to Plan A or Plan B (15 days for enactment of legislation) is not practical.
3. The timeline for reporting to DPI when a school or classroom has had to return to remote instruction (72 hours).
4. The bill circumvents the Governor and DHHS Secretary’s authority to ensure public health and safety by ignoring current public health guidance.
5. The bill fails to provide enough flexibility to provide special needs students with the support and resources they need.
The quoted scientific research is outdated, and completely disregards the record level of community spread in North Carolina and the new versions of the virus that are even more contagious that have developed over the past several weeks.
The majority of comments that I have received from parents and teachers in my district, want to wait and open schools when it's safe.
If we want to have a serious discussion about opening our schools, let’s also provide funding for support services such as more testing, contact tracers, broadband access, schools nurses and psychologists.
Our children and teachers deserve thoughtful consideration of their safety, and I can’t support legislation that fails to do that.
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