(1) #Thread on a battle of #Vijayanagar Empire

The Battle of Raichur - 1520 CE was fought between Adilshah (Bijapur) and Samrat Krishnadevaraya (Vijayanagar), on 20 May 1520.

This battle was the first in #Indian subcontinent, where #artillery and #firearms were used.
Raichur is located in the Krishna-Tungabhadra Doab, and the fertile region is known for cotton production. Due to its economic value, the #Bahmani (and later Deccan) sultanates and #Vijayanagar Empire kept vying for its control.
Samrat Krishnadevaraya sieged Raichur since Feb 1520. The Adilshahi camp was set up on the northern banks of Krishna River, for baiting an attack. But, the Samrat didn't fall for it. Adilshah moved his camp to the southern bank ~10 kms from Raichur in May 1520.
On 10 May 1520, both armies started battling. The Samrat ordered his 2 divisions of 30k men to charge the Adilshahi lines, but were slowed by the trenches.

Then the Adilshah opened backline artillery fire, which broke the ranks of the charging Vijayanagar army.
When the divisions were retreating, Samrat Krishnadevaraya himself mounted his horse, and gave a fiery motivation retort (much akin to Krishna-Arjun in Kurukshetra War; coincidentally Samrat's name was Krishna here!!) 🔥🔥
Meanwhile, the Adilshahi troops had lost formation-order while chasing the retreating troops. They also lacked the artillery support, which now laid almost 4-5 kms north.

Thus, when Krishnadevaraya reverse-charged the pursuers, the Adilshahi troops fled towards the river.
The troops, as well as majority of the Adilshahi campers near river, were either killed, drowned, or taken prisoners. The Adilshahi sultan himself escaped narrowly.
The Samrat then captured the Adilshahi camp. Spoils of war included elephants, 400 heavy cannons (Ottoman-style), firearms, 4000 Arabian premium horses.

All the captured women were ordered to be released. Such was the code of the Hindu Kings, unlike Mlecchas! #Rajdharma
As a result of this battle, the Raichur Fort surrendered after 20 days as well. Again displaying his #Rajdharma, the Samrat prohibited his army from looting Raichur.
After this decisive victory of Krishnadevaraya over Adilshah (the strongest of the 5 Deccan Sultanates), the Sultanates decided to slow their internecine conflicts for uniting against the #Hindu #Vijayanagar Empire.
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