#Fauci knows about a compound that is:

1. NIH funded
2. In preclinical stages
3. Can be given as an outpatient
4. Broad spectrum
5. Can be combined

$cocp CDI-45205 meets all of the above.

National antiviral program (Kessler / Collins)

Warp speed money coming. #WSB #biowar
MK4428: Not NIH funded. Not in preclinical stages. Also a mutagen and Rick Bright doesn't like it. $mrk $cocp
PF-00835231: Not NIH funded. Not in preclinical stages. Not outpatient. $pfe $cocp
GC-376: Also meets criteria but CDI-45205 likely an improved version of this compound. Both come from the same lab at KSURF. #anvive $cocp
Brilacidin: Not NIH funded. Not in preclinical stages. Also a repurposed drug. Also not a direct antiviral but a compound with antiviral activities. $ipix $cocp
AT-527: not NIH funded. Not in preclincal stages. Repurposed drug from HCV. Could work but doesn’t fit criteria based on comments. $avir $rhhby $cocp
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