Comparing polyethnic and multinational societies as a political scientist is absurd. It is merely a way of showing your ignorance and incompetence.

Either that or you are malicious with trying to present nationalist, inaccurate and misleading constructs as facts and "science".
Unlike in other countries, Croats in B&H are (also) autochthonous nation. The B&H's Constitution defines them as constituent people, and constituency is the Constitution's overarching principle which has been confirmed twice by the BiH Constitutional Court.
If anyone wishes to change this and advocates status quo ante, it is a legitimate request. But, it is a request which has clear consequences, and those are return of Croats' political and territorial autonomy which they had prior to Washington and Dayton agreements.
Regarding the misrepresentation of what EU is (a consensus democracy), I will quote professor O'Leary: EU has 27 constituent peoples. It's organized according to a rigorous system of power-sharing, super-qualified majority voting, veto rights and recognition of cultural autonomy.
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