So far, to my knowledge, we have not had any individual-level data in the UK of vaccine takeup by ethnicity, but this statistic is unfortunately very suggestive that vaccine takeup is lower in ethnic minority communities 1/
London has around 40% of its population in an ethnic minority group compared to around 15% in England as a whole (Source: PHE 2/
As well as being de-facto inequitable, lower vaccination rates in ethnic minority communities is also particularly worrying due to how the burden of COVID-19 disease falls disproportionately on them. 3/
30% of patients in ICU with COVID-19 are from BAME communities compared to approx 15% BAME in the general population. (Source: ICNARC 4/
(Caveat: it is possible that lower vaccination rates in London are explained by something other than BAME population, but this statistic combined with evidence from surveys on hypothetical vaccine takeup seems suggestive to me. Example survey: 5/5
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