A key role of the media is to keep you upset, fearful, outraged, and divided over petty, low-hanging fruit...

That way, the powers that be can get away with murder (often literally) whilst you're distracted by petty, inconsequential nonsense.

It's extremely effective.
The average person spends more time outraged by gender pronouns, faux 'racism', and random celebrity/political gossip & scandals, than they spend outraged by ongoing genocides, human trafficking, murders, and child abuse.

That's engineered. It's not by accident.

Stay woke.
People have a limited capacity for outrage.

Crafty people in power and in the media know this. That's why they feed you BS every single day without fail.

It's really difficult to be outraged by genuine atrocities when you're outraged by the latest manufactured nonsense.
If everybody (left, right, centre, straight, gay, theist, atheist, black, white, brown, middle class, working class...) turned their attention simultaneously to the stuff we all agree is bad, then there would be a revolt.

So they have to throw sticks to distract us.

It works.
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