However, too much of this critical aid will go unclaimed without the right actions taken quickly by the USDA, state agencies, and by colleges to ensure students understand the rule change and apply. Here are a few recommendations:
1/ The change targets $0-EFC students and those eligible to participate in work-study. The latter term is not clear-cut, especially where campuses are not awarding FWS under CARES Act flexibilities. The USDA should say any student who meets the federal reqs for FWS is included.
2/ Research shows that information alone does not lead to SNAP participation as effectively as information *and* assistance applying. Colleges should aim to have staff members trained on their state’s SNAP application process, or if they cannot, partner with nonprofits that do.
3/ Now as much as ever, colleges need to help students complete the FAFSA. I estimate that as many as 500,000 non-filers would be $0-EFC and SNAP-eligible if they completed the FAFSA, bringing them both the maximum Pell Grant and monthly SNAP benefits.
4/ By my count, only five states have a page on their SNAP agency’s website explaining the rules for student eligibility in plain terms. It should not be a heavy lift to fix this, and it would help ensure students can find clear information about the money they are entitled to.
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