Assembly Republicans sent @GovEvers a letter asking him to propose mask requirements through the Legislature's rules committee on the same day they will vote on a resolution that repeals the mask mandate in place.

The rules committee is chaired by the author of the mask repeal.
Democrats sought to amend a bill up today aimed at responding to the pandemic with a measure that mandates face masks.

Speaker Pro Tem says the amendment is not germane.
. @SpeakerVos starts floor debate by saying he is not there to talk about masks, but about @GovEvers' unilateral order.
The state Senate will meet in extraordinary session tomorrow to take up the COVID-19 relief bill being amended today in the Assembly that Evers has not signaled support for signing.
. @SenatorDevin: "This is a true consensus bill and we expect a quick signature to preserve the enhanced federal UI benefits which will expire Sunday without this law change."
Assembly lawmakers are now on the floor debating a resolution to end @GovEvers' emergency order that mandates face masks in indoor public places.

If/when it passes, the mandate will be eliminated immediately.
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