Listening to @MichelaTaufer at #SuperCheck21 on current #HPC schedulers being IO-blind - this may cause IO contention
The problem of IO contention for #HPC jobs - this is worsened due to widening gap between FLOPS and I/O bandwidth

#SuperCheck 21
IO Contention is a growing problem -as FLOPS are increasing faster than IO bandwidth and the rising importance of ensembles
#hpc #storage #SuperCheck21
PRIONN for IO-Aware Scheduling - tries to use CNNs to predict I/O usage
#hpc #SuperCheck21
PRIONN - the IO-aware scheduler can prevent IO contention
@MichelaTaufer shares results of predicting IO bursts with PRIONN-based Flux
#hpc #SuperCheck21
#Lustre logs do not show performance degradation. Use Canary jobs to probe PFS performance.
#hpc #storage #SuperCheck21
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