Last week I tuned into an insightful talk with @JonathanShedler. We explored the complexities of personality. Here is what I found really insightful. 1/7
One could suggest that modern ‘psychology’ and mental health focuses primarily on symptoms or labels. For example, Depression becomes an ‘object’ to treat, rather than a symptom of something more complex. 2/7
Jonathan Shedler points towards a notion that we must look beyond the label or symptom. Focusing on the dynamic personality structures that may give rise to these challenges. Personality is something the DSM does not identify (except exaggerated extreme versions). 3/7
Our personality styles are developed throughout our lives and can often be constructed unconsciously in response to our environment, life challenges, genetics and much more. 4/7
There are certain personality types which can give rise to suffering and challenges in life. These have been empirically identified. 5/7
Rather than seeing our personality as a disorder, we can see it as a 'pattern of being' that when understood, can inform how we approach treatment and ultimately support patients / ourselves. 6/7
The reason I loved this talk is I believe it offers a powerful therapeutic lense to help compose individual treatment for unique types of people. (Without using labels or disorders that can imply a brokenness of the human / avoid the root.) 7/7
ps. Also had some mind expanding insights about myself and the way my personality interacts with the world :') got to love confronting rejected elements of your self during learning.
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