The arrest of Hrishikesh Pawar has opened a new front in the investigations related the death of Sushant Singh Rajput.
He has admitted to NCB that even after Sushant Singh Rajput expelled him from his team, he used to supply drugs to Deepesh Sawant, Sushant's cook.

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According to news reports, Hrishikesh has confessed that drugs were procured from Karn Arora, already an accused in the case. He also admitted that he received money from Samuel Miranda to buy drugs.
Hrishikesh has been remanded to judicial custody till tomorrow, February 5.
Sushant Singh Rajput clearly didn't want to be in touch with Hrishikesh Pawar because he was expelled from Sushant's team during December 2018.
Sushant stopped working with him long time back.
They were not friends after that.
So, why was he involved in supplying drugs?
"Sushant used to order drugs", is the easiest way out because dead people do not speak.
That's what some of the suspects are saying in their statements.
But as the investigation is progressing, evidence is emerging that a conspiracy was hatched, probably to get hands on his money
Nothing can explain why a person, expelled from Sushant's team with whom Sushant was never in touch and didn't even trust him with any work - will supply drugs to Sushant's cook almost on a regular basis. A payment trail of Rs. 2500 has also been traced as payment for drugs.
The NCB has firmly established that those who were entrusted to look after Sushant and whom he regarded as his closest, used to give him drugs, with or without his consent.
Sushant was being drugged on regularly.
This confirms the statement of Sushant's family to the CBI as well.
During the months leading to his death, Sushant was being drugged.
This was a complaint lodged by his sister and his brother-in-law as well.
Sushant was being told that he had psychological issues and he was consulting psychologists to understand why.
A sinister plot is emerging.
Though what happened with him on the leading night of 13th June remains unclear but the situation and incidents leading to the final months of his death have been pieced together by the NCB.
For our information, a total of 30 people were arrested in connection with the case.
Sushant was doing well in his career and he was flush with cash while all the others in his inner circle were failures professionally or struggling.
Sushant started to change his team and even fired Hrishikesh. This means cash flow drying up.
Money is slowly emerging as a motive.
There seems to be a conspiracy to keep him drugged so that he can't take decisions on his own. Then take control of financial decisions.
This will ensure that people who are dependant on him for their income, will continue to thrive.
This is the story so far.

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People who are asking.
I have not taken some names because this thread is only on the confessions of Hrishikesh Pawar. We all know who all were there in Sushant Singh Rajput's inner circle and who was the closest to him.
A bigger picture will soon emerge.
I hate myself for saying this.
But this has been convincingly established that Sushant was being abused on multiple fronts.
He was being abused with drugs, he was being abused financially.
There was emotional abuse and professional abuse.
Add to that, the anxiety of being a star.
Sushant was also being tormented by his Bollywood colleagues who were trying to block him.
There were false allegations and incessant attacks by the media (blinds etc).
Anybody in his place will crack.
It takes superhuman abilities to withstand so much all coming in together
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