The #Bitcoin for Corporations Summit properly introduced us to Ross Stevens of Stone Ridge, who will be a key evangelist for #BTC in years to come.

Quotable quotes:

1/ #BTC isn't volatile.

2/ #BTC is the best form of money in terms of salability across time and across space.
2a/ Salability across time: Can the money keep its value through time and not depreciate?

#Bitcoin is the 1st store of value in human history such that its supply is completely unaffected by its demand.

#BTC is better at being gold than gold as it is more salable across time.
2b/ Salability across space: Can the money be moved around the world efficiently?

#Bitcoin is the 1st electronic bearer instrument with no credit risk and achieves finality in int'l settlement every hr.

#BTC is better at being fiat than fiat as it is more salable across space.
3/ #Bitcoin represents the biggest catalyst the world has ever known for the development of abundant, cheap, clean energy. Cheap energy equals human flourishing.

4/ $BTC is the most asymmetric right tail asset potentially in world history.

5/ #BTC is giving life not taking it.
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