Do any of you have songs that teachers used to teach you certain functions that you still know till this day and go through your mind when you feel unsure of yourself like salve?

Mine is the a song for the quadratic formula.
A lot of mine are math related.

“”He’s teaching her arithmetic, he said it was his miss.
He kissed her once, he kissed her twice and said, “Now that’s addiction.”
And as he added smack by smack in silent satisfaction
She sweetly gave the kisses back and said....
“Now subtraction”.
Then he kissed her while she kissed him without an explanation.
And both together smiled and said, That’s multiplication”.
Then dad appeared upon the scene and made a quick decision.
He kicked that kid 3 blocks away and said, “That’s long division””
The teacher who taught me songs for the quadratic formula and sin, cos, and tan got teacher of the year and there is a reason. I never forgot
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