How to efficiently do customer support.

1/ Make sure you treat the clients as if they were somewhat people you knew. Be kind respectful and almost act as their friend. It breaks barriers and creates trust in the relation.
2/ Make sure you know the product or service you are the face of. It is primordial to know what you are talking about and in the rare cases where you don't, make sure you know who to contact to get the issue solve.
3/ Be proactive. When an issue appears, your customer most probably doesn't know what is going on. Limit the amount of actions the customer has to take and do the most you can yourself. (Yes it is more demanding but solves the problems much quicker).
4/ Make sure you explain in details what you did to help. The goal of being proactive is to minimize the amount of actions the client has to take. You also don't want to have to answer to a million questions. Explain what you did and guide the client towards the right path.
5/ Be honest. Most people appreciate honesty and acknowledge that humans make mistakes. If you start lying, you will lie repetitively. Keep a good relation by being honest. If the customer gets mad, they may have had a bad day, don't over think it.
6/ Give value. Going out of your way to explain concepts or to provide knowledge to clients is the best to build a solid relation based on trust. You also have the pleasure to knowing you gave value to the client and he will thank you by sticking with your company.
7/ Be rigid when needed. Don't over serve the people who use you at their advantage. Yes spoiled brats and extremely demanding customers exist and they are extremely energy taxing. learn to draw boundaries and practice recognizing these types of clients.
8/ Skin and soul in the game. You don't need to be dedicated to the company you are working for (Although it helps a lot). You need to be dedicated to the craft that is your life and the skills you are acquiring. This will bring you a lot of positive and your employer will see it
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