#sakuatsu social media au

The MSBY Black Jackals have completed another successful fan event! But something seems to have come up in the aftermath...
-Rated T
-time stamps don’t matter unless i say otherwise
-thanks to everyone who volunteered to be in this<3
1. Calm before the storm
2. Someone might be a little sensitive
3. Threats are made
4. Meanwhile, on another priv
5. Atsumu goes to the group chat
6. The timeline sure is going through it.
7. Some rando is being clowned idk
8. Suddenly, two tweets.
9. 👁👄👁
10. A few different takes
11. Things are being set in motion
12. Questions
What does Omi do?
(If you wanna check out my other writing ;* https://archiveofourown.org/users/emeraldpalace )
13. Sakusa has chosen to tell the truth
14. Confusion part 1
15. The reply
16. Confusion part 2
17. A decision
18. Dormmates
19. 🤭
20. A few hours later
21. Gay People
22. The timeline
23. Late night conversations
Kiyoomi demonstratively puts his phone on his night table and turns his back to Atsumu, but Atsumu simply laughs and leans over to look at his new-found boyfriend (boyfriend!!!) properly.

“It’s okay baby, it can’t be more embarrassing than signing fan merch with your and your
crush’s last name—“

Kiyoomi groans low into his hands, heat creeping up his face.

“You will never let me live this down.”

“Nope!” Atsumu replies cheerfully. “It’s just too cute! Did you also write down our names under a little heart umbrella—“ Kiyoomi takes a pillow and
half-heartedly smushes it into Atsumu’s face, which does nothing to stop his bubbling laughter—the sound makes something warm and fuzzy grow in Kiyoomi’s chest, even if it’s at his own expense. That feeling is new and weird and disgustingly sweet and he can’t get enough of it.
Atsumu perks up with a hum as he tightens his arm around Kiyoomi’s waist. “Don’t you think that Sakusa Atsumu would also sound good?”

“No, it sounds terrible.”

“Hey! I think it’s okay! And maybe I just really want to have your last name?”

Kiyoomi turns around to face Atsumu.
“And what if I really want yours too?”

“How about this, the one who gets more services aces next practice gets to take the other’s last name?”

Kiyoomi chokes out a disbelieving laugh. ”We are Not deciding on it like that.”

“Why not, we’re adults, we can do whatever we want!”
As much as Kiyoomi tries to hide it, a gleeful smile comes over him at Atsumu’s comedically genuine antics—it’s mostly a joke, but he also has no doubt in his mind that Atsumu would wholeheartedly go through with it if Kiyoomi agreed. It’s a scary thought, actually.
“It’s probably too early for that anyway,” he says as he places a hand on Atsumu’s chest.

“Hmm, yeah I guess,” Atsumu replies, and then brushes a lock behind Kiyoomi’s ear, making their gazes meet. “But right now the thought of spending my life with you makes me really happy.”
“It’s probably just the honeymoon phase.”

“Yeah, probably,” Atsumu smiles back. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t feel it.”

“Well, for what it’s worth...” Kiyoomi smiles shyly. “I hope you continue feeling that way.”

“I’ll try my best,” Atsumu seals it with a kiss. “Promise.”
24. 25/09/2026
26. And they lived happily ever after. Probably
// END //
✨Extras no one asked for✨

First of, yes I actually tried making a Miya Kiyoomi signature: https://twitter.com/emeraidpalace/status/1357451717848293377
For you non-cowards out there, if you had chosen to Lie to Atsumu instead, Sakusa would have claimed that it was all just a silly joke because he lost a bet to Komori.

Atsumu would talk to his gc and then there would’ve been another poll whether Atsumu believes Sakusa or not.
If Atsumu did believe him, he’d be heartbroken and mopey and Suna and Komori would conspire to get them together after all (I didn’t think much further than that). If Atsumu didn’t believe him he would’ve challenged Sakusa and also confessed first🥺
You can follow @emeraIdpalace.
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