You cannot spilt your time between bullshit and righteousness and expect to have the rewards of a righteous life. Most make the mistake of thinking a few good deeds erases all the negative. You can’t spend excessive amounts of time in front of the TV, watching porn
being dishonest with everyone around you, procrastinating, living as a victim, etc etc but want all the accolades that come from staying focused. If you’re waiting to be motivated, then you’ll die with nothing. Motivation is temporary. The only things you need are
DISCIPLINE & CONSISTENCY. Do the thing that need to be done especially when you don’t feel like doing them. Eventually those actions become habits. Which is the final piece to the puzzle that discipline & consistency lead to. Habits take the thinking out of life.
If you form good habits that benefit your end goal, you’ll never not be on point. The toughest part is getting started. It took me being at the very bottom of life a decade ago to really see this. I’ll always remember in my 20’s when I was REALLY wasting time,
There was an older guy that told me I didn’t want to be broke going into my 40’s. Didn’t really get it then, but around 31 that shit hit hard. HARD. Lost everything and came to the brutal conclusion I was on my way to being just what my OG said I didn’t want to be.
It didn’t change overnight but it definitely lit something in me.
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