His family shared their own home webcam images from his arrest. Have not heard any updates on his status. While @Aga_Pik's important case received swift attention, we have not heard much about this. https://www.ozodlik.org/a/31082434.html 
Media & local bloggers play the most important role in helping the government achieve its reforms: they provide oversight and criticism. Their role is fundamental because elections in Uzbekistan remain uncompetitive. In all of his speeches, the President encourages them to work.
It is the actions of the government that give it credibility--not it's words. Right now they seem to be moving in opposite directions.
Important @Aga_Pik analysis shows paradox of Uzbekistan's reforms.
Much inside government structures has not changed. Yet, society opened up alot. People less afraid.
When govt beg for positive coverage in this new environment it makes state seem desperate & reforms hollow.
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