Many people think It's social media and may be not many people know you but whatever you are here , you are in real life too. Always remember your words represent your upbringing, education, religion, country and Idol.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Politeness is the art of choosing among one's real thoughts.
Sonchiriya Sushant
One of the greatest victories you can gain over anyone is to beat them at politeness.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Politeness and a sense of honor have this advantage: we bestow them on others without losing a thing.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Treat everyone politely, even those rude to you; not because they are nice, but because you are.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Politeness is ... forgetting ourselves in order to seek what may be agreeable to others.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Of course, it is no easy matter to be polite; in so far, I mean, as it requires us to show great respect for everybody, whereas most people deserve none at all.
Politeness is the outward garment of goodwill.
Sonchiriya Sushant
True politeness is perfect ease and freedom; it simply consists in treating others just as you love to be treated yourself.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Please and thank you are still magic words.
Sonchiriya Sushant
Politeness is lost by anger.
Sonchiriya Sushant
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