I will never forget my mother once giving me a second eye on an email for me and asking, “Why did you write, “I feel” and “I think”. Always write I believe that the best course of action is XYZ because of ABC and I propose that we move ahead with lalala.”
Never let anyone, especially yourself doubt or second guess your shine.
If you are in the room you are supposed to be there. No matter how senior or knowledgeable everyone there seems to be. I promise you they are trying to figure it out too.

Walk into any space believing that everyone there wants you to do well.

Get out of your own way always.
If you are younger and have old people judging your vibe and moves. Old people are some of the most unethical and scandalous people ever. They have excellent PR. Wars, broken economies and oppressive systems are their literal heritage. Don’t let them stress you.
And before the deliberately obtuse roll up. I am not talking about the revolutionaries please.
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