So, let's talk about @StormieGrace08's YouTube Astrology Academy for a minute. Of course, I'm going to be frank here. When she first approached me about it, I was excited about it and thought the community would just lap it up.
After all, I've listened to folks talk about "gatekeepers" and lack of FREE, quality resources for folks learning astrology for nearly a decade here and other places.
So, she assembles high grade astros like @rulingplanets, @ethericastro, @astromerlin, @CAdreaM7, @clarissadolphin, @sjanderson144, @chrisbrennan7 myself, & a host of other people whose Twitter handles I'm having trouble finding like Colin Bedell, Gemini Brett, Janay Anthony etc.
This is a diverse faculty by race, gender, sexual identity, and history in the field, headed up by a Black woman who wants to offer FREE classes to public and pay instructors & TAs, and it's struggled to raise $30,000. What's happening here?
Someone made a stinging (and correct) critique of ISAR, my organization. They said it's a non-profit organization that seems keen to make a profit on nearly everything it does, almost doing little for FREE except for its members. (That landed, J!)
They were right, and I believe it will make an impact. But orgs are sloooooooooooow. Yet, here's an opportunity for the community to fund something that will be FREE and educational but the community seems as slow.
Yes, it's a pandemic, so give only what you can, including a RT. But some can give more as, let's be honest, 2020 was a good year for some astrologers and tarot readers. So, let's support this effort, if you're not already participating in it.
I'm pretty sure there's NEVER existed anything like this project. It's time for all of our voices to be heard in astrology, and this likely will be slow-coming from orgs and other publishers. We're doin' it our damn selves! So, let's do the damn thing.
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