Yup - I was made out to be the bad guy when one of our school board members got political after a school board meeting and I called her out for it. Oh, did I mention a higher up in our admin liked her tweet? And you see, that's the problem - parents who speak up and fight back
are made out to be bullies, racists, unhinged lunatics ... you name it. We have parents who are terrified their kids will be targeted if they fight back. We have empowered the very ugliest and selfish people working in our school districts and now we have to claw our way out.
If you're a parent going through this - let me know. We're all in this together and you ARE NOT THE BAD GUY for wanting your kids in a classroom. Time for us to be louder than the unions/associations bullying these districts and boards. #OpenTheSchools #FIGHTForYourKids
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