New GOP Platform

We Believe:
-Edgar Maddison Welch’s GPS sent him to the wrong pizza parlor;
-“Operation Mockingbird” is lead by our hero Donald Trump who will soon, very soon (give it two weeks) expose the satanic crimes of the global elite;
-“WWG1WGA” is purposely confusing;
-“the great awakening” will make take-out pizza safe again;
-Lack of evidence is proof;
-Evidence is proof of fake news;
-“Alice and Wonderland” is how HRC secretly moves around the globe in a rented burka;
-Huma Abedin was digging up uranium in Syria to sell to Iran;
-“Sheep no more” is not ironic; -Words that Donald Trump types not containing the letter “Q” contain secret messages;
-“Operation Merlin” is Barak Obama who secretly built nuclear weapons for Iran and North Korea in his spare time;
-Rod Rosenstein forgot to hit the record button;
-Edward Snowden was not a CIA plant at the NSA because that’s how 3D chess is played;
-Red Cross-Haiti is a the Mussel Shoals for international boy bands;
-We must harness “voice to skull” technology to keep people believing this shit;
-Democrats used online-school to trick children into filling out blank ballots and destroy real ones;
-“Scaramucci play” was a successful plot by ABC to get Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars;
-Brett Kavanaugh was set up by a consortium of beer companies to say he liked beer;
-“Spygate” started after Barak Obama finished building nuclear weapons for North Korea and Iran and needed a new hobby to fill his spare time;
-DECLAS is SALCED spelled backwards from The White Album.
-Only Trump knew that 867-5309 was Kim Jong-Un’s real phone number;
-hydroxychloroquine being better than bleach was suppressed so global advertisers could promote their products on masks which is why Republicans refused to wear them;
-Without Fox News no one would have believed anything on OAN or NewsMax;
-Hunter Biden secretly travelled 3,000 miles to have his laptop repaired by a blind man in order to not raise suspicion of its compromising contents. But then forgot to pick it up;
-Claiming that conspiracies make no sense is left-wing propaganda;
-The media has been mispronouncing Q-Anon for years on purpose. Only Trump and McCarthy pronounce it correctly.
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