SNP have been forced into a humiliating climb-down over the EU's vaccine programme.

The UK's scheme has been a tremendous success.

But nationalists thought it would fail. They slammed the UK for 'lunacy', 'idiocy' and 'madness'.

Join us for a quick SNP roll of shame 👇
Here is the all-seeing, all-knowing Mike Russell 👇

He said the "idiotic refusal will cost lives."

But Scotland would have fewer vaccines if the UK had listened to the rantings of this egotist.

It turns out @Feorlean that *your* idiotic plan would have cost lives.
Here's another SNP minister who doesn't have a clue what they're on about. Presenting: @MareeToddMSP.

The vaccine opt-out , she said, was "like watching a deliberate car crash in slow motion."

Utterly reckless, misleading nonsense.
Another SNP minister who knows nothing 👇

And this is our favourite one. He said the UK decision was "lunacy" and "irresponsible".

Who is the buffoon now @KevinStewartSNP? 😂😂😂
And it wasn't just SNP MSPs getting it wildly wrong, their MPs just had to join in too.

Here's @HannahB4LiviMP giving it the big I am.

It was "lunacy." We needed to "get away from this madness".

Scotland would have FEWER vaccines if the SNP got their way.
Nobody really knows who this guy is so we won't spend very long on this one.

Here's @OwenThompson saying opting out of the EU vaccine scheme was "a new low!"

Well now. I bet he'll be quick to apologise for that one.

The UK scheme has been a huge success💪💉
Have we missed an SNP politician slamming the UK for opting-out of the EU vaccine scheme?

Are there more?

Send them our way and we'll gladly add to the SNP's roll of shame.
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