At the end of the day, who cares if you’re wrong? The best are wrong all the time.

Get out there and take some chances today.

Here's a thread of some great people being wrong, and their mindset, to inspire you. 1/
Musk is a smart guy...but he also said we'd have no new covid cases by April. Really wrong.

Did he delete the tweet? Nope, still there. Not worried about it.

Don't focus too much on the opinions of others...or your own mistakes. No one cares. 2/
Einstein made the prediction we'd never have nuclear energy. "There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable. It would mean that the atom would have to be shattered at will." Very wrong.

No one even remembers it. 3/
A trait of successful people? They’re not afraid to be wrong or fail - even publicly. You'll see it over and over again if you look closely.

The point is? The public doesn't really remember mistakes, and great people don't hold onto them either.

Take chances. 5/fin
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