. @JoeNBC called those in the @HouseGOP who stood and cheered for @mtgreenee “the lynching caucus.” Here’s why he said that: this is from @DavidCornDC’s reporting on Greene’s moderator status of the Family America Project: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/02/marjorie-taylor-greene-facebook-john-birch-society/
As we discussed last night on @thereidout, the @GOP has been here before with another group Greene supports: the John Birch Society. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/01/15/john-birch-society-qanon-reagan-republicans-goldwater/
More on the Birchers, who thought everything from the civil rights movement to water fluoridation were Communist conspiracies... and Republicans were just as scared of them then as they are of Trumpists and Q-anon nuts now:
So Republicans then did exactly what @GOPLeader and company are doing now: they laid down...
Until they decided to stop laying down (a place today’s @GOP is clearly not ready or willing to go).
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