When Irish TD Mairead Farrell refers in her Tweet to being a "bereaved relative", is she referring to her aunt, also named Mairead Farrell? Aunt Mairead is of course a PIRA terrorist killed by the SAS in Gibraltar on 6th March 1988 (Op Flavius). Aunt Mairead had keys for a car... https://twitter.com/Farrell_Mairead/status/1356991206484492288
... parked in Spain, that contained explosives. Aunt Mairead and two fellow terrorists, Daniel McCann and Sean Savage, were killed whilst preparing to carry out a bomb attack on the changing of the guard, at the Governor"s residence. The trio had left a car in a nearby carpark...
... that was used as an assembly point for the event. This was probably a blocking car, saving a space for the later arrival of a car containing the bomb.

The PIRA terrorists were intent on detonating a car bomb, that not only would have killed and injured military personnel...
... but also multiple civilians. PIRA knew there would be civilians casualties. They would have subsequently claimed that civilian casualties were regrettable and it was not their intention to kill and maim civilians. This of course is PIRA's standard lie when they...
... intentionally target civilians.

Approximately four months before the failed bomb attack in Gibraltar, in November 1987, PIRA detonated a bomb at the war memorial in Enniskillen. Again, PIRA intentionally targeted civilians and then lied about it afterwards. On the same...
... day as the Enniskillen attrocity, PIRA also attempted to detonate a second and larger bomb at the war memorial event in the nearby village of Tullyhomman. This bomb attack only failed because the command wire running from the bomb to the terrorists, malfunctioned. Again...
... PIRA would have known civilians, including children, always attended the event.

Despite the carnage caused on Remembrance Day in Enniskillen and the subsequent global criticism and the lies told by PIRA about the explosion, they were already preparing another, similar...
... atrocity in Gibraltar. There was intelligence about the Gibraltar plot, months in advance. Whilst PIRA Sinn Fein tried to deflect criticism about the Enniskillen bombing, even blaming it on military scanners, PIRA was busily preparing for the Gibraltar attack.

Not only...
... does this reveal the psychopathic nature of PIRA as an organisation and their utter lack of morality, it is also an example of how they repeatedly lied about their activities. It also reveals how they viewed civilian casualties as being pawns, to be used and sacrificed as...
... part of terrorist "spectaculars", intended as psychological warfare, not against the British government, but the general population. They calculated that the negative publicity was a price worth paying for the psychological impact on the civilian population.
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