it's a sad fact that with the increased publicity/ commercialization of astrology in recent years, people looking to make money at the expense of vulnerable people seeking spiritual guidance, a listening ear, any semblance of control or certainty in times of trouble pop up
please, to onlookers of the astrology community, please let this not be your first thought when you see our community. it's not money at the core of our work. we deal with real people and their mental, emotional, and spiritual peace in this field.
it makes me angry to see the selfishness evident in those flocking to spirituality in recent times who hold these intentions and are more than quick to offer readings with no readiness to accept the weight of a reading as the intimate interaction it is
at the same time, the sad "imposter syndrome" some astrologers deal with because they want to be responsible, cautious, and respectful, and seeing so many cases like the above pop up makes them even more wary of offering readings/being compensated (though they deserve to be)
being part of this field is like being part of any field. you can be an evil scientist, a good scientist, or anywhere in between. you can be a wholesome writer or a gossip column writer.

astrology/spirituality doesn't inherently make people safe or good (or unsafe or bad)
because the act of providing a reading or even just tweeting on spiritual concepts (with a platform) carries weight, you ought to be scrutinizing about who you allow to advise you or guide you. just be careful everyone. and spread awareness if you see any exploitation
(there's also things i inevitably missed in this discussion, nuances as to what compels people to make these decisions, what makes someone more likely to be trusted, etc.) but this is scratching the surface at least
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