The National Prayer Breakfast is expected to start streaming at 8am eastern time.

You can watch it here: 
The Family, which runs the NPB, doesn't disclose its funding and illegally refused to release their 2018 filings until I got to their lawyer.

This year, even their lawyer didn't respond to my request for their 2019 filings.
Most Democrats are likely not aware of any of this.

A dozen lent their name to this year's breakfast.

When we told one of them, Rep. @CharlieCrist, he said our reporting on The Family demands answers.
Why would @POTUS aid a dark-money group illegally concealing its tax info, that funds anti-LGBTQ/anti-Semitic meetings, with anti-labor roots and whose biggest known donor is a union-buster, and that has other leaders that helped spread the ultimately deadly election-fraud lies?
(The Family is now airing a video from @SenGillibrand about lifting up the truth and walking in the light.

Family members who have sought to make the group open have repeatedly failed.)
I brought all of this to the attn of the White House multiple times. Maybe they just don't take TYT seriously. I dunno.

BUT...keep in mind who succeeded Biden in his Senate seat: Chris Coons.
Video now from @SenatorLankford, probably the most prominent GOP politician active with The Family and frequent partner of Coons.

You may remember Sen. Lankford from Jan. 6.
Bill Clinton in a video now talking about the attack on the Capitol and how we need healing.

I'm assuming he has no idea that Family leaders backed the lies that led to that attack.
Expected to speak is @AmbAndrewYoung of Georgia.

I'm assuming he has no idea a Family leader donated more than $150,000 to support Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue AFTER they called for Georgia's secretary of state to resign for not giving the state's votes to Trump.
Now speaking is @SpeakerPelosi.

No idea whether her video was taped before or after I emailed her office for comment about National Prayer Breakfast leaders and their role spreading the lies that led to the attack on the Capitol.
What's unclear to me is whether Dems simply don't bother to ask:

Who runs this group?
Who funds this group?
What else do you do with your money?
If you're listening to any of these remarks from The Family and Democratic allies about unity and healing and coming together with people of differing faiths and politics...

...keep in mind that for two years they've refused to even speak with us.

Dictators overseas? Sure.
Fewer than 2,000 people watching Biden streaming via National Prayer Breakfast.
No video from or mention of President Donald Trump.

Funny, since a National Prayer Breakfast leader spent literally millions supporting Trump and joined Trump at the White House to watch the 2018 election returns.
Pretty brief boilerplate stuff from @POTUS for this year's National Prayer Breakfast.

But it's another year's worth of legitimacy for The Family.

The POTUS speeches and Dem endorsements are what give The Family access and influence.

Here's Jeff Sharlet:
Closing prayer from @RepValDemings, who gave us the following statements last year and this year, about her participation despite The Family's activities.
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