Can we please all understand whilst the NI Protocol isn't perfect. The Protocol is not the problem. The problem is Brexit. Look at the news daily reports of businesses struggling to export to the EU. If you want to replace the Protocol what with? Please come up with a plan 1/
But remember that your plan can't be just to shift checks & controls to the land border on the Island of Ireland. That's not a plan. Moving the checks & controls you hate to where they will be hated just as much doesn't work 2/
That's is what caused this in the first place. The DUP said NO to everything and is still saying NO but won't actually come up with a plan. They didn't give a damn about people, businesses and communities in NI who rely on trade both N-S & E-W. Not a damn 3/
So let's be honest about this the real problem is Brexit. The GFA that had been so carefully constructed for NI has been trampled on without any consideration by Brexit & Brexitiers. There was a caviller attitude to the impact of Brexit on NI & Ireland. 4/
There was a complete indifference to the impact of Brexit on NI & Ireland. Brexitiers in Westminster and the ERG didn't give a damn about NI during the referendum and they still don't give a damn
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