I don't think people understand the vital difference between a well-rehearsed (and physical) team vs a collection of individuals with no real understanding - new players, makeshift centre-backs, other players out of position. Make do an mend when missing a ton of quality = v.hard https://twitter.com/shillcock_paul/status/1357299226393403397
Add fatigue,with less option to rotate, and big effort in 3 away games in previous 9 days. Team lacks height and heft without VvD, Matip, Fabinho, Gomez. Team lacks pace and goals without Jota, Mané. Lacks pace at back without VvD and Gomez. No senior keeper undermines confidence
Team has been disrupted constantly this ssn. Rarely below 6 injuries, often = 10. Thiago a real bonus after months out, but the proper team is not around him. Even Gini looked knackered yesterday. 5th/6th-choice strikers and centre-backs will always be a big drop from 1st choices
Last night was a bit grim, and Brighton were excellent. But it was a strong XI for them, in terms of usual players and in terms of physicality. LFC full of skilful slower little guys right now - lacking the skilful bodyguards and pace. Kabak should help, but he's young and new
You can read Mentality Monsters or Perched for how much I talk about the unity of a team, the practiced understanding from years of intense training together, knowing each others runs and movements. Right now it's a team of semi-strangers and stand-ins.
No team could handle the loss of qualities in VvD, Gomez/Matip, Fabinho, Alisson, Jota, Mané, & even Keita (who last played in the 7-0 win at Palace, & is superb, but injury prone). So much cutting edge, pace, power, authority, height and skill amongst that group. So many = vital
These injuries are not an excuse, but a reality. If you car is driven into by a snow plough, you cannot drive your car. It's not an excuse, it's a reality. If the same happens to your spare car, ditto. Large quantities of injuries remove quality from the team, and also the bench.
LFC are starting players who weren't really even in the 25 man squads for the start of the season. On the bench are players who also were not. Weakened team = weakened bench, equals less quality, equals less variety, fewer options. Your extreme-fringe players cannot be great
One bonus is that many fringe players will learn and benefit this season, but the team may suffer setbacks and inconsistencies as a result. Just hope next season is not as mad as this for crazy adversity; yet still in top 4. Anyway, I'll leave that all there. Take it or leave it!
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