(1/12) HERE I COME WITH RESIDENT EVIL 6 HOT TAKES, since some sharing RE6 opinions in my feed.

I don't hate RE6. I don't love it either. My enjoyment of the game is weird, I first didn't like it when I started it, then it grew on me & I liked it more the 2nd & 3rd time I played
(2/12) it (I play most RE games more than once, RE6 is co-op so that helped there), but then in the last few years I like it less, I think partially since RE:2 controls similarly to Rev 2 but smoother/better, & Rev 2 was modified RE6 movement, so RE:2/RE:3 are like smoother RE6
(3/12) controls without the sliding/rolls/melee, but better design games, which makes RE6 feel a bit worse to me.

This said, I do think RE6 at its best is when you're chatting it up & laughing with a friend while you explore & play the game almost like a weird horror-themed beat
(4/12)em' up, sliding to avoid attacks & hiting monster critical points.
When I first played RE6 I thought it felt terrible, the shooting & hit reaction felt worse than RE4/RE5, but it eventually clicked with me shooting isn't the main focus in RE6, it's more about melee, stamina
(5/12) management with enemy grouping. There's moments where RE6 can be incredibly fun, frantic, with lots of creative enemies & scenarios.
The problem is the game is like a hodgepodge of unfiltered ideas. There's some moments in RE6 that are fun, some that are TERRIBLE. It's got
(6/12) the lowest lows in the whole franchise.

Most people like Leon's campaign the most, I HARD disagree. Not only is his story maybe the worst RE story ever told (Rev 1 while bad is at least kinda amusingly bad), but the attempts at horror fall flat. I like Leon Chapter 1 once
(7/12) you leave the university, I like parts of Chapter 2 & 4, but his campaign is mostly bad, the hororr attempts fall flat & it comes off like a random collection of callbacks you're haphazardly phasing through.

Jake & Sherry don't have the best campaign in my opinion, but I
(8/12) actually ended up liking their characters, & their moves & load-outs are more fun, as well as their personalities. Their Chapter 3 is one of my fave chapters in the game, too bad their set-piece moments and some parts of Chapter 2 & 4 in particular kinda suck hard. I also
(9/12) think almost every sequence in RE6 involving fucking helicopters is actually the worst, literally most of the game's worst moments involve helicopters in some way.

Chirs & Piers is what surprise me. I think they have the strongest campaign AND story, the game's mechanics
(10/12) feel most focused on his campaign, & even the limited ammo in his campaign pushes for a more melee focus like the game has. Don't get me wrong, he has terrible shit in his campaign too (stares at the awful second invisible Snake boss fight phase), but I think the level
(11/12) design in his sequences are the best actually.

Every villain of RE6 sucks. Simmons is not as fun as he could've been Carla is underwhelming, Ustanak who?

RE6's Mercenaries is very fun, Ada's campaign is kinda middling for me but her final chapter 5 is TERRIBLE, & the
(12/12) boss fights are mostly bad with a few goodish exceptions (I find it weird how the boss battles from RE4-RE5-RE6 got progressively WORSE with the bigger action focus).

I don't think RE6 is as bad as some claim, but it is quite low on my RE's ranking chart.
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