In 1997 as a temporary teacher, my headmaster hated my guts because I asked uncomfortable questions during staff meetings eg I taught forms 1 to 2 & we always started masikati why didn’t he rotate us with forms 3-4. Teaching wasn’t for me I left
2)1999 a colleague head hunted me to his new employer I got a good salary, he became my supervisor. He was micro managing me, I hated that😡 luckily I was promoted to his level & it ended. 2000 I got a dream job at AIG Zimbabwe, I met the most transformative figure in my career🙏🏿
3) Ms Chingovo taught me 2 important things
- You don’t work for a company, you work for yourself (even if you have legitimate grievances always do your best it’s about your personal brand)

- If you do a good job someone will notice( that someone can be a client, competitor etc
4) You might have a toxic boss but bosses in other sections can vouch for you eg you can put those other bosses as a reference on your CV. Always try to separate your grievances from your work ethics, keep doing your best. Don’t give that toxic boss reasons to fire you
5)Ukapinda basa chasara kubuda. What is your exit plan? Pay your debts, invest, start a hustle have plan B etc don’t be too desperate many people have no other option hence they will sleep with anyone, gossip (kutengesa other employees l) just for that paycheck 😢
6)When I came to SA, I had one of the worst bosses I have ever had in my 24 years of working, it was hard but I persevered. I complained to her boss whilst I kept on doing my best ,others complained also. Eventually we had a talk out with the COO, I laid everything on table
7)By that time I was thinking of resigning. I was granted a lateral transfer in 2012. 2017 when I resigned to go back to Zim & farm she told me due to my work ethics I would succeed. I was surprised due to our strained relationships, I am glad I had good mentors in early years
8)I served my 4 weeks notice period , I actually had no intention of coming back. After 6 months I indicated to my boss that I wanted to come back & within 2 weeks I was back at work. Some of my colleagues also want to come back but due to the way they behaved they burnt bridges.
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