So @transcotland published the Phase 1 recommendations for the second Strategic Transport Projects Review today (STPR2 to its friends) - full details here but we've done a little bit of reading for you (thread)
First thing to note is that there will be another report out later this year on Phase 2. Phase 1 focuses on recommendations which "lock in" some of the sustainable behaviour changes arising from the current situation, and promote economic recovery
Phase 2 will cover the 20-year stuff and is currently just a 10 page list of suggestions from enhancing the NCN to trunk roads, reopening rail lines, and the 'Control Centre of the Future' ... you can see the full list at the end of the report
So what's in Phase 1? Well here's the TL;DR version: 20 interventions in 8 themes. Of these, there are 6 active travel measures (plus some accessibility improvements to the trunk road network).
As always, with Scottish Government documents, the introductory paragraphs say all the right things - mentioning the sustainable transport hierarchy, prioritising walking, wheeling and cycling for shorter journeys ... it talks the talk, but does it walk or wheel the walk?
Top of the list is the development of Active Freeways, which were the big new active travel announcement in the climate change update document - there's more detail here
Safe cycling infrastructure was the highest priority among respondents to the online survey for STPR2 (filling in these surveys can be hard work but they do make a difference!) and dissatisfaction with existing cycling and walking/wheeling conditions was high
From the more detailed document on active travel freeways, it sounds as if they will be modelled on London's cycle superhighways, and are likely to focus on the suburban edges of the four biggest cities where the highest levels of short car trips are
The report also notes that suburban areas can also suffer from transport poverty, but can be within reasonably easy cycling distance from city and town centres
Unfortunately, these documents don't come with a plan (yet) or a budget - although we know that the Active Freeways have ÂŁ50m allocated to them in the programme for government for the next 5 years, which isn't very much ...
(in fact it's even less if these are urban routes)
Next up - expansion of 20mph zones and limits. This also gets its own separate document so you can read along here. Once again, this is popular: 72% of Scots surveyed supported lowering the speed limit in urban areas to 20 mph
So are the Scottish Government going to apologise to @markruskell for scuppering his 20mph bill and implement it themselves as part of STPR2? Sadly not. They are going to implement a national strategy though.
They will review existing schemes, develop some best practice guidance, support local authorities to implement 20mph zones, and run national road safety campaigns. It's not nothing, but it's not particularly radical.
Moving on! Intervention 3 is influencing travel choices, aka behaviour change. This can be effective especially when it's combined with good infrastructure because people do take time to change their habits but this doesn't feel all that strategic ...
Next up is Intervention 4 "Transport's contribution to placemaking principles in neighbourhoods" which didn't sound all that promising (it doesn't even have a verb) but it's all about reallocation of road space towards active travel in towns and villages
It's got all the buzz words (place based, 20-minute neighbourhoods) but at its heart it's about working with local authorities to create accessible and family friendly spaces to increase footfall in town centres. You just need a like-minded council to take this opportunity...
Skipping forward a bit we've got Intervention 5 which is developing a framework for mobility hubs. Once more we're talking demonstration projects and guidance so nothing earth shattering but an opportunity for a forward-thinking council ...
Intervention 7 speaks our language: Reallocation of roadspace for active travel (yay!), which is basically about using Places for Everyone funding to help councils make temporary Spaces for People projects permanent.
Unfortunately this means no new money (boo) and for those of us whose councils haven't yet done anything substantial with the Spaces for People funding (cough Dumfries and Galloway cough) or have ripped them out already (cough Aberdeen cough) will likely miss out.
On the other hand, this does make a lot of sense if we want to get infrastructure in quickly and @SpokesLothian have made a good case for this approach
There's obviously lots more interventions than the ones we've detailed here - and some will mean improvements to accessibility and public transport. Even the trunk road intervention includes retrofitting things like dropped kerbs and bus shelters
So to sum up - it's good to see a clear focus on sustainable and active travel and your consultation responses matter, so keep them coming - but the government's real priorities lie in the budget not the nice policy statements with pictures of bicycles on the cover
There's a Holyrood election coming up (pandemics permitting) so watch our website for news of how you can help us keep the pressure on all our politicians to put their money where their mouths are & properly invest in active travel. 
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