Tips for harm reduction and ACTUALLY staying safe whilst suffering from an Eating Disorder: a thread. (A long ass one)
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, these are just things that have HELPED MY HEALTH and be advised by MY doctors and eating disorder specialists. Recovery is always the best and most encouraged option. If you are not recovering you are surviving not thriving bruv.
1. Purging: It’s very important that if you’re not a frequent purger or don’t purge that you try and avoid it at all costs. Purging can dehydrate you VERY FAST (obviously) - this can become so dangerous that you will either be rushed to hospital or endure dangerous symptoms.
Purging cont: Essentially it can also cause and imbalance in potassium, electrolytes etc. This can put you in danger VERY FAST too.
Purging cont: IF YOU ARE A REGULAR PURGER AND STRUGGLE TO FIGHT IT: Please do not use anything to purge apart from your fingers!!!! I can’t stress this enough. This means don’t use any object as you can choke and die and no one would know.
Purging final: Probably the most dangerous thing you can do is use any sort of medications to make yourself throw up. Please don’t even try, you will make yourself dangerously ill.
Restriction: Please monitor your sugars !!!!!! If you don’t have someone in your family with a monitor/bsl reader thing then please if you are feeling dizzy, sweaty, uneasy etc. you may be suffering a hypoglycaemic episode from low sugars!!
I didn’t even know this was a thing until my doctor informed me ! The best thing you can do to avoid a dangerous bsl (Blood sugar Level) is to choose foods like fruit with natural sugars, if you are experiencing what you think may be similar to a hypoglycaemic episode:
Please have some sort of lollies with REAL sugar not sweetener, juice, or honey. This could save you. After doing this if you don’t feel ultimately better or are concerned regardless, please see a doctor immediately.
Some other things you can do are:
- take a multi vitamin daily to avoid deficiency’s
- have a higher restriction day sometimes if you must restrict every day
- have regular check ups at the GP
- maintain dental hygiene and are a dentist regularly
- try and consume protein
End of thread :D like/rt and correct me if I’ve gotten anything wrong !
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