Q hasn't posted on 8chan since early December, and by and large the QAnon movement has found its own momentum and voice apart from its oracle.

But that doesn't mean that the Q drops have been COMPLETELY discarded.
Many Q followers continue to look to years old drops to help them interpret breaking news. Here is an illustrative example in which a poster on a Q Telegram channel attempts to show that Q predicted the $GME squeeze.
"Watch the water" is a phrase from a much puzzled over Q drop. Like most of Q's clues, it is incredibly vague and is open to interpretation by design, allowing followers to create their own meaning.
This poster has done that here, where they discovered that "water" or "watered stock" is a term for an asset with an artificially inflated value and speculate that from the past Q was instructing them to pay attention to the rapid meme inflation of the value of $GME.
Though it's akin to having someone throw a dart and painting a target around it, the contrived connection between "watch the water" and $GME is enough to allow someone who wants to have faith in QAnon to believe that Q predicted the GameStop rally as early as 2018.
(There's also speculation tacked on via conspiracy chart that the phrase "CASTLE_ROCK," which appears in a separate drop, refers to the Robinhood app but acknowledges recent buzz that a production company called CastleRock is staging the Biden presidency.)
There isn't a uniform response to the proposed theory theory though--in a show of how malleable the drops are and how much mileage can be wrung from them even if Q never posts again, several in the Telegram channel post their own "bakes" of what it means to "Watch the Water."
Some suggest Q was talking about watermarked ballots, some think it's a reference to the sovereign citizen boogeyman of Admiralty Law, and others hope Q was referencing the cryptocurrency Ripple XRP.
Who knows if Q will post again, but with each news item believers will continue returning to the extant Q canon to find material to filter reality through, and to justify their belief Q has privileged information in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
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