Yesterday the #furlough scheme was in the news, which both trade unions & @CBItweets calling for extension to the scheme once it ends at the end of April.

Here’s a short thread of how we *think* charities might be using the scheme 👇
The excellent @kanedr has done some analysis.

It looks like approx 7000 charities & 1400 community interest groups used furlough in December.

Remember: the vol sector employs 900k people - twice as many as @Tesco.
Now, there are 166k voluntary organisations in England - see our @ncvo almanac: 

But, only c.6000k orgs have a turnover of £1m+. Only 30k have a turnover of more than £100,000.

There’s no easy way to see turnover vs staff numbers so...
Let’s *assume* that those with bigger turnover are more likely to have staff & have used the furlough scheme.

Taking the 30k figure (income of £100k+), thats potentially 28% of charities still using the Job Retention Scheme.

🚨Caution: this is not fact. This is a hypothesis!🚨
The main point here is that 7000 charities using the furlough scheme is a lot. Seriously, a lot.

This will be a combination of big charities with a network of retail shops, local arts venue closed, & one-person community cafes shut.

The diversity will be huge.
There is one problem. The almanac data is for England & furlough data, I think, is for the U.K.

There are approx 40k charities in Scotland, Wales & N.Ireland. So the % is probably lower.
There’s lots we don’t know & exploring this data is going be important.

One thing emerges: charities need furlough to survive as many are using it. We need the Chancellor is extend it and let us know ASAP.

We have others ask too:

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