Your government cut VAT on tickets to 5% last year. This was a sensible, budgeted, intelligently designed intervention that achieved the aim of providing maximum support to the music industry at the minimum cost and administration.
Since announcing that year long VAT break, hardly a single ticket has been sold. The financial support offered hasn't yet been used, and it is still badly needed for our industry to recover. #KeepVATat5
You, as Chancellor, designed a sensible package of support that would have real impact. You budgeted for how much it would cost, and planned for it to be delivered. It couldn't then be delivered. #KeepVATat5
Don't take away that offer of support. Let the industry use it the way you always planned it would, to support our recovery and to invest back into the people and businesses who have lost so much in this crisis. #KeepVATat5
Please keep VAT at 5% @RishiSunak @Number10press

The music industry isn't asking for anything new; we just want to be able to use the support already offered.
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