How to know if you have an agenda against Solskjaer.

Stage 1:
- Dislike him for no good reason.

Ask yourself why you don't like him. If you come up with reasons like;

1. He doesn't dance on the touchline.
2. He smiles too much.
3. He has no tactics.

Move on.
Stage 2:
- Want him to fail at all costs.

Congratulations, you've reached this stage because you actually agree with more than one of the three reasons I listed above.

This shows your absolute lack of football knowledge and you just watch the game on "vibes."

Stage 3:
- He doesn't start your favourite players.

A strange one considering that he has the coaching licence and you don't. You can always disagree, of course. You're entitled to that.

But let's not fvcking pretend that you know better than he does.

Stage 4:
- Note down mistakes, errors and quotes from his pressers to use as ammunition at a later date.

This is sad. To think you could've simply spent all that energy in supporting him.

But stage 4 is the sadness stage so it really doesn't matter.

Stage 5:
- Misuse the words "individual brilliance," "style of play," "mediocrity," "standards," "patterns" and "Van De Beek."

... Simply because you've backed yourself into a corner when you realised stage 1 and 2 are irreconcilable with the idea of supporting a club.

Stage 6:
- Abuse people who believe in his vision.

A refusal to admit you were wrong about him but resort to the shameless abuse of people who have supported him from the start as a form of coping mechanism.

Stage 7:
- Try to distort reality because you've practically failed - at every turn, I should add - at discrediting him.

1. You start by calling the players "average," then proceed to slander the manager when "average" players fail to perform.

2. Repeat the same sequence but call the manager "inept" when the players "coach themselves" to victory.

3. Now, magically turn these "average players" into title winners. But with another manager.

This stage is all about lying to yourself or just being plain ignorant.
Let's end the thread with the words of the wise Lao Tzu;

"To know that you do not know is the best. To think you know when you do not, is a disease.

Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it."

Be free, guys.


This thread seems to have triggered the LUHG community. It's really fvcking beautiful to see.
My mother's a top level storyteller tbf.
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