In 2015, I had just left medical school and gotten internship placement, it was the time for me to learn more skills and improve my practice.

Some cases you see change your life

I'll never forget this lady that came in with a swollen right leg, she had lost so much weight.
We asked questions, did our investigations and found out that she had cervical cancer, it broke our hearts. It had started spreading to other organs in her body and usually, at this point, her chances were looking bad.

She showed her previous photos, was so full of life
We talked a lot before she died, sometimes, when I wasn't on duty, I would go see her and spend the day by her bedside, talked about her dreams, her passions, she loved to design.

I noticed people usually have clearer visions towards the end of life
Her case changed me forever, I told myself, I would do what I could to prevent people from dying from cervical cancer.

It was the only way I could honour her memory.

So I would talk about cervical cancer today. It is one of the most common cancers in women.
If you are currently having sex, or have had sex before, no matter how long ago it was, then you should read this

It will save you from a lot of problems in the future
You probably have contacted one variant of Human Papilloma Virus that causes cervical cancer. It is very common
Out of over a 100, 14 types of HPV(Human Papilloma Virus) can cause cancer including cancer of the cervix

You can even get throat cancer if you give oral sex to someone who has one of these cancer-causing viruses

Have you tested yourself in the last 3 years for HPV?
Even if you only have one partner, there is a risk of you getting this virus

As a matter of fact, the earlier a person starts having sex, the higher their risk of contracting Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. So it is essential you get screened for HPV, a lot don't know
The most common consequence in women of being infected with this virus is cervical cancer.

Almost all cases of cervical are caused by this Human Papilloma Virus, and it may take 15 to 20 years for cervical cancer to develop in women with normal immune systems
How can you prevent this?

One way is to get the vaccination, the HPV vaccine

It is best taken before you are sexually active.
Girls between 9-14 years even up to 26 can take

Can you take if you're older than this? Yes! But speak to you with a doctor first.
To make things easier for you, visit  to book your vaccine today, it comes with free screening also, if you use my discount code: aprokodoc5, you get an extra 5% off. I want to make sure that a lot of women prevent this condition. Lagos residents only
Also VERY important is getting a pap smear, this checks your cervix for signs of cancer

It can cost anywhere from N3500-N8000 some centres can charge higher

If you're 21 to 29 years and sexually active, PLEASE GET A PAP SMEAR EVERY 3 YEARS!

Don't leave this to chance please.
If you're between 30 to 65 years, do yours every 3 years; or an HPV test every 5 years, or get a Pap test and HPV test together every 5 years

See, you can't be sexually active and take this matter lightly...

If you've ever had sex, any kind at all!

Don't ignore this thread.
Other ways you can reduce your chances of contracting this cancer is to avoid smoking tobacco, shisha is included.

Use condoms to reduce contact, however, HPV can still be transmitted from skin to skin contact close to the genitals.

Reduce your number of sexual partners.

Boys can also get the HPV vaccine, it is not only for women or girls.

If boys are vaccinated, they are less likely to spread this disease to other people, so get your kids vaccinated, in other countries, this is routine.

To book your vaccine, visit 

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