Today is #WorldCancerDay

Here are some ways to ↘️ your #cancer risk:
🚭 Don't use tobacco
🏊‍♂️ Exercise regularly
🍅 Eat healthy foods
☀️ Avoid strong sunlight for prolonged periods
🥃 Drink less alcohol

Let's beat cancer!

It's #WorldCancerDay

#Cancer is on the rise ↗️ !
Almost 20 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Currently, 1⃣ in 5⃣ people worldwide 🌎🌍🌏 develop cancer during their lifetime.

The most commonly occurring #cancer types worldwide 🌎🌍🌏 are:
🔸 Breast cancer: 12%
🔸 Lung cancer: 11%
🔸 Colorectal cancer: 10%
🔸 Prostate cancer: 7%


It’s #WorldCancerDay

#Cancer cases are increasing ↗️: In 2040, it is predicted that the number of new diagnoses of #Cancer will be nearly 50% higher than in 2020. The greatest increases will be in low- and middle-income countries.

It’s #WorldCancerDay

Many cancers can be cured if diagnosed early and treated appropriately. Strengthening early diagnosis and increasing access to treatment improves the chance of survival for millions of people living with #cancer.

#VaccinesWork to help prevent #cancer:
✅ Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination to protect against cervical cancer
✅ Hepatitis B vaccination to protect against liver cancer


Cervical cancer could be the first #cancer EVER in the world 🌎🌍🌏 to be eliminated, if:
9⃣0⃣% of girls are vaccinated
7⃣0⃣% of women are screened
9⃣0⃣% of women with cervical disease receive treatment

Over time, breathing in radon, a tasteless, colourless, odourless carcinogenic radioactive gas, ↗️ lung cancer risk. Residential radon exposure was estimated to have caused 84,000 deaths by lung #cancer in 2019


In some countries, radon exposure is a leading cause of lung #cancer, after smoking. More action is needed to ↘️ the impacts of this carcinogenic gas.

WHO launched the 🆕 radon database to provide ℹ️ on 🌐 efforts to protect health from radon exposure:
To help ↘️ the #cancer burden around the 🌐, WHO:
✅Monitors the cancer burden
✅Supports countries to screen for, diagnose and treat cancer
✅Identifies the most cost-effective strategies
✅Coordinates research and partner engagement


In 2021, WHO will launch a the global #BreastCancer initiative that aims to ↘️ deaths from breast #cancer by:
✅ promoting breast health
✅ improving early diagnosis
✅ ensuring access to quality cancer treatment


#BreastCancer is increasing, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, where the majority of cases are diagnosed at a late stage. Early detection of #cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment.


Before #COVID19, cancer treatment services were reported to be available in:
🔸 90% of high-income countries
🔸 30% of low-income countries

A survey conducted in 2020 indicated that treatment for #cancer had been disrupted in >40% of countries surveyed during the pandemic
Currently, in most low- & middle-income countries, #cancer is diagnosed at an advanced stage, when treatment is generally less effective, more expensive & more disabling


Most #cancer patients do not have access to palliative care, especially in low and middle-income countries, resulting in unnecessary suffering. Palliative care should be a priority everywhere and integrated into health care at all levels 

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