1] I have observed something difficult to ignore.

A bit of context first.

What makes Hopewell's cause worth rallying behind is the indisputable reality that it's being fronted by a non-politican with a comfortable private life who's heart is seemingly in the right place.
2] Firstly, I was walking on these streets before some "allegiances" changed.

I'm not being naive.
Yet we certainly can't continue missing the forest for the trees.

I've certainly lived long enough to know that only fools and dead people never change their minds.
3] Secondly and rather more importantly, allow Hopewell to remain an independent thinker and social actor.

Don't play into the state's preferred narrative of (mis)characterising him as a political activist.

This is sadly being done by some in the Opposition, for silly reasons.
4] Why try to "posses" the man and use this momentum to express your parochial factional frustrations?

It's important that some people found other ways to deal with their party disgruntlements without bringing that toxicity and polarisation to the cause Hopewell is fronting.
5] This isn't about giving citizens political titles and purporting to rearrange the political food chain.

Politicians are politicians, & let them be.
Citizens are citizens and should exercises agency in promoting whatever change they believe in without the two being conflated.
6] These movements angling for change will certainly be successful without political tags.

Talk of:

Focus should rather be on sustaining this momentum being fronted by Hopewell, Jacob, Job and others
7] How do we sustain this momentum?

•Expose all these vices
•Conscientize everyone around you
• Find creative ways of relaying messages & adding your own voice

Any attempts at politicising the actors & the cause will derail all gains thus far.

I'm just a wordsmith
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