#Mining impacts #ecosystemservices in many ways from pre- to post-mining. Our NEW STUDY shows what these impacts are, how they’re measured, and what this means for people, highlighting major research gaps along the way. Check it out here (1/5) - https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1cVIO,oMyQL9Dr
Despite the importance of maintaining #ecosystemservices alongside #biodiversity as outlined in #SDGs, #IFC and others, only a limited number of studies assess impacts to #ecosystemservices, with little methodological consistency for defining and measuring ES change (2/5)
While we found both positive and negative impacts across mine stages, we noted that most studies focused on the impacts to #naturalcapital and the supply of services, with limited links to what this means for people who depend on such services (3/5).
Understanding the preferences of beneficiaries of ES in #mininglandscapes is crucial, to ensure that #mining operations can prevent, minimise or mitigate against any damages to ES that may arise across the life of a mine (4/5).
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