Serious question. Why would one spend $100-$200 on L1 to challenge a fraudulent $10 transaction on L2.
Doesn't this imply that L2 solutions that aren't sufficiently decentralized with game-theoretic consensus models on L2 are basically DOA? Serious question. Please educate me.
I am starting to be convinced that solutions that don't require fraud verification games and bonds (e.g. ZKRollups) or have their own consensus/economic incentive models (e.g. sufficiently decentralized sidechains) are better, but I am willing to learn more and change my mind.
By the way, I have lots of questions because I am not an expert in rollups. L2 scaling is going to be extremely important for USDC and other products I am building though. Teams working on various different L2 solutions, please hop on and teach me :)
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