Cannot stomach another think piece on the current status of "conservatism" or "Trumpism" or whether Trump was good or bad for Republicanism. Conservatism, the Buckley conservatism we knew, is dead. So is the Republican Party.
Look no further than the Liz Chaney vote or the rabidity with which certain factions are stepping over themselves to expel MGT.
More importantly, and why I have contended for months now that the GOP and conservatism as we knew it is no more, is that 75 million people (at least) have zero faith in any system after watching election night unfold.
And those concerns are not only being completely ignored, but anyone who expresses any concern about the state of our electoral system is marginalized as a loon, told to let it go, and gaslit to high heaven.
It's absolutely unsustainable. Feel like the Whos in Horton Hears a Who over here, but I'll say it again -- you cannot gaslight 75 million people. Not this time. Not on something like this. And those people, the ones who know what they witnessed, won't magically disappear.
And until concerns about the fundamentals of our entire system of governance including the joke of an election process we now have are considered and addressed, any time talking about the future of any political movement is time wasted.
Everything has failed. Everything. Party systems. Political systems. Judicial systems. Financial systems. Everyone who pays any attention is seeing that "the system" (doesn't matter which one, because it's applicable to any) is rigged.
And the right-leaning pundit class has shown, yet again, that there is not one among them with any balls to stand up and speak to the concerns of the actual people, not the beltway people and cable news producers.
There is no rallying together for the next election, no "look to 2024!, not when half the country genuinely and understandably believes the electoral process is rife with fraud and understandably so.
Anyone saying otherwise at this point is completely disconnected from real people, people who have been scorned and scolded and spurned by both right and left leaning media for the last 5 years.
Prove integrity in the system, any system, and *then* we can talk about the future of the Republican Party, if it still exists by the time we get to that point.
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