Last night McCarthy stood next to a flag draped coffin of a murdered policeman. Today he said he didn’t know what Q anon was. Qanon is the dangerous conspiracy theory that turned into the murderous insurrection that @GOPLeader stoked with his cynical lying. McCarthy’s cynicism
IsStaggering. His dishonesty is pathological. There aren’t many instances to point towards of a political leader more unsteady and overmatched than Kevin McCarthy was tonight. What a debacle for Bakersfield Bohrman. Just days ago he was puffed up and confident. He was fresh from
Basking in the glow of the leader from his pilgrimage to Maro Lago. He went on conspiracy loon @MariaBartiromo’s show to explain that @lizcheney owed an explanation and apology to the House Conference. He got neither. Cheney basically gave him the Congressional version of a
“Go fuck yourself.” @Liz_Cheney didn’t apologize and didn’t explain. She called the question and asked for the vote that @GOPLeader stumbled into. The fringe freedom caucus was repudiated by that vote while at the same time demonstrating their iron grip on @GOPLeader’s puppet
Strings. McCarthy branded himself as dishonest and weak which would normally be enough for a nights work but he was just getting started. By the time he walked out on stage tonight; red faced and edgy, he had lost the fight he provoked and set in motion the events that will lead
To his inevitable fall and the end of his career in national politics. The headline tonight is @GOPLeader lost his shot at ever being Speaker. That is good news for America.
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