2) It was early October, and NFL had a problem. It wasn’t just that players and staff for Tennessee Titans were continuing to test positive in an outbreak that shook NFL’s season. It wasn’t even that the NFL was learning that virus was able to rush through holes in its protocols.
3) The NFL was slowly discovering something far deeper: a core tenet of Covid-19 transmission wisdom—how to define when individuals are in “close contact”—was just wrong.
4) The safety of interactions during this global pandemic had been for months measured by a stopwatch and a tape measure. The guidance was that someone had been exposed to the virus if they had been within six feet of an infected person for more than 15 minutes.
5) “It was drilled into everyone for so long it became coronavirus gospel. 
But that wasn’t proving true. People were testing positive even though they had spent far <15 minutes or weren’t within 6 feet of an infectious person—and NFL had contact-tracing technology to prove it.
6) Meanwhile... Ontario 🇨🇦 is waking up to #B117 transmission and how quickly it can spread... and realizing what the NFL realized too... https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1356902000714211328
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