But let’s not discount what the article is exploring.

Haydar is reporting on some important findings in the Scanlon Foundation report on current community attitudes towards multiculturalism and immigration in Australia.

Including the levels of racism against African Australians and how pervasive Islamaphobia remains in Australia.

These are issues very few have had the capacity to explore or fund independent research into. Scanlon Foundation has.

The Scanlon Foundation has funded previous iterations of what they called their Social Cohesion reports, which explored racism and community attitudes towards immigration, multiculturalism and refugees.
I’ve had issues with the Scanlon Foundation’s ‘Social Cohesion’ lens on this work.

Partly as it is still premised on a deficit model (cohesion v discord) and that there is some national or economic benefits to immigration and multiculturalism rather than a rights framework. 5/n
But I don’t want to discount the fact that Scanlon Foundation is doing the work to produce these reports and provide a wealth of insight into community attitudes in these issues.

And I think it’s important that the ABC journo Haydar actual researched and covered this issue.
In short, I think it’s important that Haydar covered this report.

I think it’s shit - but not surprising - that a lot of people in Australia are still racist, Islamaphobic, think that immigration can be good but still expect migrants to settle on white Australia’s terms.
And I think it’s shit that ABC News editors really stuffed us with this click-bait racist headline. And shafted their journo Haydar in the process.

And I think more of us should read and tweet about the article itself.
That’ll do.
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