Don’t despair.
Eventually the tsunami wave of collateral damage will come right up to people’s faces and they will see it. They will see the lies and they will get angry. When a sister dies of cancer because she missed her treatment... 1/n
when a neighbour is transported in an ambulance to the hospital because he disregarded heart attack warning symptoms, when a friend catches covid despite religiously wearing double masks and disinfecting all the surfaces, 2/n
when the man down the road commits a crime because he can’t put food on his table & he can’t see his children sleeping hungry, when the teenager in your neighborhood school who has been locking himself in a dark room for 8 months ... 3/n
because he sees no hope in his future finally kills himself, when a child after child start to exhibit OCD and anxiety behavior, when a lost generation starts to show regressive behaviors, when it hits so close home, there will be no denying. 4/n
The most adamant lockdowners will wake up from their stupor and the tide will turn. The truth will prevail albeit at a very high cost to humanity.
Humanity is very resilient. Life and growth always bounce back even from the ashes. 5/n
Have faith in human resilience.
This is Hiroshima then and now.
We will get through this. We will be stronger. History will tell.
Don’t despair. 6/6
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