i wasnt going to say anything but it keeps bothering me and ive been violently uncomfortable with this so i have to say its really cool how in a conversation about "is it homophobic to write about gay men having sex with women" gay men arent being included at all.
sometimes gay men have sex with women at some point in their life. gold star theory is bullshit. but "sexuality is fluid maybe you, gay man or lesbian, will meet one special person youll like anyway" is classic homophobic rhetoric. are you listening to yourself?
you can write whatever you want. i dont have a gun to your head. but youre being homophobic and youre excluding gay men from your circles and you should be aware of that. whether or not youre fine with that is up to you but i had to say my piece.
i said nothing for a long time because i actually dont like arguing with people but the idea i, a gay man, was sitting in silence feeling incredibly hurt and unhappy while people talk about gay men as if we dont exist feels fucked up to me. ok thanks
if you want to discuss this you can DM me. im not going to answer ccs about this bcs i dont think they encourage fair conversation and you should own up to what you think.
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