Fuck it, Rogue One on a whim rewatch time. Gonna be a thread of my random thoughts.
Bro, this cinematography is so freaking good. I love it so much.
I love Krennic’s ship so much, especially with how the wings fold up. It looks so good.
I’ll never get over the Black Death troopers flanking Krennic in a white Imperial uniform. It’s such a cool shot and a standout SW shot, to me.

Lyra: “Trust the Force.”
*Jaro Tapal intensifies*
The conversation b/w Krennic and Galen will always be nostalgic since it was released as a clip a few moths before the movie came out. So it blew my mind this was the first non-Saga film material we were getting.

“You’re confusing peace with terror.” Somewhat reminds me
Of the line in LOTJ of “peace without justice is flawed.” There’s probably some comparison with them that I can make.

I love how reluctant and careful Krennic is with saying “As heroes of the Empire.” He knows that isn’t true in the slightest.
Love the stormtrooper doll. So cute. I’ll have to reread Catalyst.

The Rogue One title card and music will always be off-putting to me.
I love seeing the grimy/gritty look of the stormtroopers in Rogue One. I also love how it was accentuated, rightfully so, in Mandalorian.

I love how Ring of Kafrene shows the shiny, PT aesthetic up-top and then the grimy, “OT” aesthetic on the bottom as it pans down.
I think planet/location title cards in SW should be more commonplace. They’re incredibly useful.
The one thing I ABSOLUTELY love about Rogue One is how people referred to and thought about the Death Star without actually knowing what it was. I need more of that in SW.
Damn, RIP Tivik. Cassian killing him conveyed to me that this was gonna be a different side of the Rebellion we’d see in Rogue One. Can’t wait to see how he gets to that point in Andor.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Jedha existed around the time of the HR/farther back.
I would die for Benthic Two Tubes.

I love the atmosphere of Wobani.
“It’s a chance for you to make a fresh start.”

“A choice to be better.”

Same energy.
“I like to think he’s dead. Makes things easier.”

Jyn, no. Don’t do this to me and yourself.

“His militancy has caused the Alliance a great many problems.”

I would like to see it.
Fuck yeah, Bail Organa.

It’s bad when I’ve played JFO so much that I can’t help but think of slicing the KX series droids whenever I see K-2SO now (somewhat).

Love that Draven defies High Alliance orders and orders Cassian to kill Jyn’s father. Great plan.
“Trust goes both ways.”

Similar energy to this line:

“You mean it controls your actions?”
“Partially. But it also obeys your commands.”

The user trusting in the Force and the Force trusting in them, to some degree.
Saw’s mask sounding like Vader’s is so fucking cool, both from a sound and character standpoint.

Love the competitive dynamic b/w Tarkin and Krennic.
Cassian saying “That’s Jedha. Or what’s left of it” always left a fairly strong impression on me, probably b/c I don’t think I’d hear anything remotely that *dark*/similar to war movie dialogue in a SW movie back in 2016.
I love how Kyber crystals are viewed as a commodity by the Empire.

Love the aesthetic of Jedha City/the religiosity of the Force in this movie.
Always love the Ponda Baba/Dr. Evazan callback, though Ponda’s head does look larger than usual there.
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